Watch Suffolk County Community College Commencement Recap Video and View Photos

Watch Suffolk County Community College Commencement Recap Video
View Photos from the morning and afternoon ceremonies
Images and video courtesy of Media Services

Be sure to join the Graduates of the Last Decade (G.O.L.D.) / New Professionals Network
Share your photos on social media with the hashtags

#SUNYSFLK #suffolkcountycommunitycollege #SuffolkSharks

Suffolk County Community College Alumni Relations
533 College Road, The Cottage, Selden, NY 11784-2889
Phone: 631.451.4941  |  Email:

Find Suffolk County Community College Alumni Association online:

Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | WordPress | Pinterest | Flickr | Alumni Shop

Click here to make an online gift to support SCCC students and programs

Suffolk Credit Union supports scholarships you can too!

Learn about the Education Without Limits Campaign

6/5/24 40th Annual Suffolk Community College Foundation Golf Classic

Congratulations Joseph Gonzalez ’24 on the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship!

Recently, Dr. Bonahue and a group of college administrators set up a surprise for graduating student-veteran Joseph Gonzalez of West Babylon. Joe entered the room to a rousing round of applause and was surprised with the wonderful news that he just won the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship. The scholarship provides up to $55,000 annually to complete a bachelor’s degree. Of nearly 1,700 applicants from 380 community colleges, it is awarded to only 60 students nationally. Joe is graduating next week with a 4.0 GPA. During his time at Suffolk, he held key student leadership positions including PTK Chapter President, President of Student Veterans of America, Honors Club President, and History Club Vice President. He is a Get There From Here scholar and a recipient of the David R. Pierce Scholarship, presented to a scholar selected from among the year’s Phi Theta Kappa All-USA Academic Team. He is the college’s first Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship recipient since 2019. He is currently evaluating where to complete his bachelor’s degree and is considering Columbia University and Princeton University. Joe, you are truly one of a kind!

Source: Suffolk County Community College

Suffolk County Community College Veterans Week 2022

Suffolk County Community College Veterans Week 2022

Learn about Suffolk County Community College Veteran Resource Centers.

For more information contact:


Consider a donation to support current students

  1. The Bobby Hommel Memorial Student Hardship Fund
  2. Joseph Vigiano Memorial for Police Officers or Combat Veterans
  3. Staff Sergeant Louis Bonacasa Memorial Scholarship
  4. Michael Francis Cunningham Memorial Scholarship for Veterans
  5. Suffolk Community College Foundation Military and Veterans Scholarship
  6. William Baffa Memorial Scholarship
  7. Michael E. Reilly Memorial Scholarship

4/29/22 Team EVA (Every Veteran Appreciated) at Suffolk County Community College


Hosted by Veterans Resource Center

Suffolk County Community College, Eastern Campus 

121 Speonk-Riverhead Road
Parking Lot 2 (Map)
Riverhead, NY 

Supporting Staff Sergeant Louis Bonacasa Memorial Scholarship and The Fallen Warriors of the 106th Rescue Wing.

Please consider a donation

Suffolk County Community College Veterans Week 2021

Suffolk County Community College Veterans Week 2021

Learn about the Veterans Services Office

Suffolk County Community College Veterans Week 2021

Suffolk County Community College Military Alumni stay connected

Consider a donation to support current students

  1. The Bobby Hommel Memorial Student Hardship Fund
  2. Joseph Vigiano Memorial for Police Officers or Combat Veterans
  3. Staff Sergeant Louis Bonacasa Memorial Scholarship
  4. Michael Francis Cunningham Memorial Scholarship for Veterans
  5. Suffolk Community College Foundation Military and Veterans Scholarship
  6. William Baffa Memorial Scholarship
  7. Michael E. Reilly Memorial Scholarship

If you would like to establish an alumni group please contact 

Find Suffolk County Community College Alumni Association online:

Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | WordPress | Pinterest | Flickr | Alumni Shop

Click here to make an online gift to support SCCC students and programs

New Sharks Checking Account with Suffolk Federal Credit Union supports scholarships

11/17 Harvest for A Cause with Richters Orchard Presented with Suffolk Federal Credit Union

10/6/21 22 Push Up Challenge Hosted by Office of Veterans Affairs and Mental Health & Wellness

WhenWednesday, October 6, 2021, 11am – 12pm
WhereVeteran’s Plaza
Event typeCollege Wide
DescriptionAt one point, up to 22 Veterans died by suicide per day. Although there’s been improvement, we continue to raise awareness… Because one is one too many! Join us in-person or virtually as we push up to raise awareness for veteran suicide. Suffolk County Community College Office of Veterans Affairs and Mental Health & Wellness, as well as local veteran and community organizations will be available to provide resources and support as needed.  

Join on Zoom Zoom ID: 824 1736 6278 PC: SCCCVET
OrganizationSCCC Veterans Affairs

Find Suffolk County Community College Alumni Association online:

Website | Facebook  |  LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | WordPress | Pinterest | Flickr | Alumni Shop

Click here to make an online gift to support SCCC students and programs

New Sharks Checking Account with Suffolk Federal Credit Union supports scholarships

Watch Janina Rios ’20 in “You Should Know” Video

Watch Phi Theta Kappa Alumna Janina Rios ’20 in “You Should Know” Video featuring Veterans Services

Shot and edited by Janina Rios and Robert Elsmore. Suffolk County Community College honors our Veterans.

Find Suffolk County Community College Alumni Association online:

Website | Facebook  |  LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | WordPress | Pinterest | Flickr | Alumni Shop

Click here to make an online gift to support SCCC students and programs

New Sharks Checking Account with Suffolk Federal Credit Union supports scholarships

3/1 to 3/31 Try your luck to win a cash prize every day this March! Sponsored by Competition Automotive Group

3/11/21 Dinner for Two Culinary Arts Webinar

2PM 11/10/20 “Women in the Military” Presented by Suffolk County Community College Veterans Resource Center

Suffolk County Community College Veterans Resource Center

Join us for the inspiring stories of Women who served.

Zoom ID: 927-5283-8947
Password: SCCCVRC

For more information contact

Please consider a donation to support current students
The Bobby Hommel Memorial Student Hardship Fund
Joseph Vigiano Memorial for Police Officers or Combat Veterans
Staff Sergeant Louis Bonacasa Memorial Scholarship

Suffolk County Community College Military Alumni let us know where you are now.

Find Suffolk County Community College Alumni Association online:
Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | WordPress | Pinterest | Flickr | Alumni Shop
Click here to make an online gift to support SCCC students and programs
New Sharks Checking Account with Suffolk Federal Credit Union supports scholarships
11/19/20 Fall into Fun with Richters Orchard presented with Suffolk Federal Credit Union

8/21/20 Suffolk County Community College Military and Veteran Virtual New Student Orientation

Veterans 2020-8-21

8/21/20 Suffolk County Community College

Military and Veteran Virtual New Student Orientation

For assistance registering please contact

Find Suffolk County Community College Alumni Association online:

Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | WordPress | Pinterest | Flickr | Alumni Shop 

Click here to make an online gift to support SCCC students and programs

Teamwork, Dedication and Creativity are Hallmarks of Suffolk’s Shift to Remote Operations During Pandemic


For Immediate Release
April 17, 2020

Teamwork, Dedication and Creativity are Hallmarks of Suffolk’s Shift to Remote Operations During Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has temporarily disrupted life for Suffolk County Community College, but it hasn’t dampened the spirit and ingenuity of those determined to carry out the college’s mission, make a difference and continue classes and services for students.

The sudden shift of instruction on March 23 from the classroom to 2,903 online classes for Suffolk’s nearly 20,000 students took place in less than two weeks. A herculean task matched by shifting Suffolk’s libraries, advising, counseling, financial aid, and a host of other services to remote operation built on a foundation built by Suffolk’s Information Technology (IT) Department.

“How do you move nearly 3,000 course sections to online in only two weeks?” asked Suffolk County Community College Interim President Louis Petrizzo. “You ask our faculty to do the impossible and they deliver in record time for our students. We are eternally grateful for the dedication of our faculty, our front-line employees in Public Safety and Plant Operations who pulled together in this time of need,” Petrizzo said.

Suffolk’s libraries are providing virtual hours, online chat and electronic resources for students.

Counselors and advisors are meeting with students via Zoom, email and telephone and Suffolk’s Veterans Affairs resource centers are hosting virtual office hours.  Later this month the group will host a virtual meeting and discussion with a World War II veteran who is a Battle of the Bulge survivor and concentration camp liberator. The Zoom meeting is open to all.

The college is also calling every Suffolk student to answer questions and provide direction to resources. More than 13,000 students have been called to date. And, just like all of us, Suffolk students and their families have been affected by the pandemic.

Suffolk’s IT Department distributed more than 300 laptops and dozens of hotspots to students who lacked the technology to able to log into online instruction and fielded more than 300 technology inquiries from students.

A newly established Suffolk Community College Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Fund has fielded more than 170 students’ applications for support.  Ninety percent of students who applied cited job loss, as well as family unemployment and related that a family member or members are ill and being treated for coronavirus. Any enrolled student can apply for emergency funds.

“We are here for our students because we’re all in this together,” said Dr. Sylvia A. Diaz, executive director of the Suffolk Community College Foundation.  “Our generous donors, our faculty & staff, alumni and corporate partners have all pitched in to help students facing financial hardships because of the pandemic.”

Contributions to the student COVID-19 Emergency fund are being accepted at:

Suffolk even moved activities from its two health clubs online, providing access to a YouTube hosted exercise regimen, and the athletics department is hosting online gaming competitions, while also emphasizing that everyone needs to exercise.

The college’s Sustainability Department has continued conservation efforts by celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with the “Take 1 Less” challenge. Participants are challenged to use one less plastic item a day and document their efforts with photos that are shared on the college’s social media channels. On Earth Day, a virtual nature walk with the Suffolk County Community College Ammerman Campus Environmental Club will take place via Zoom.

Media Contact:
Drew Biondo